Pest Control
We offer residential and commercial pest control services. We understand each situation is unique and requires a service plan to fit your particular needs. We offer our commercial pest control accounts one time treatments or custom pest control services. Call us today to discuss what will protect your property the best. We are happy to provide a free estimate.
We share our prices because they reflect the cost of our service and we don't feel the need to schedule a meeting to qualify them. No high pressure commissioned sales reps: just honest estimates.
Bi-Monthly Service
The rate for bi-monthly service is $80 and includes:
- Every other month pest control
- Spider dewebbing around eaves, windows, and door frames (some height limitations apply)
- Internal treatments covered
- 6 services per year
- Exterior perimeter treatment
- No charge for service visits in between scheduled visits for covered pests
Quarterly Service
The rate for quarterly service is $120 and includes:
- 4 services per year
- Spider dewebbing around eaves, windows, and door frames (some height limitations apply)
- Exterior perimeter treatment
- Internal treatments covered
- 60-day guarantee
- No charge for service visits in between scheduled visits for covered pests
One Time Service
The rate for a one-time service is $140 and includes:
- One time application to the exterior foundation and interior
- Spider dewebbing around eaves, windows, and door frames (some height limitations apply)
- No call back privileges
Please note above prices are based on 1,500 sq. ft. or less. Bed Bugs, German Roaches, and heavy infestations of any sort will require additional fees.
What We Offer
We provide solutions for rodents, bed bugs, landscape pests, and more. Landscape pests are an add-on to an annual pest control agreement, or billed as a single separate service. Call our office or ask your technician about our services.
Rodents are clever and are able to find their way into your home for warmth and food, making controlling them a challenge. As experienced exterminators, we utilize our understanding of their habits and behaviors to eliminate them from your structure.
Bed Bugs
Every Bed Bug infestation is different and requires a customized treatment plan. Chemical applications normally take several visits over several weeks. If immediate 100% eradication is desired, whole structure fumigation is performed.
Landscape Pests
When you think of Gauden Exterminating, you may only think of structural pest control. A shift of industry services over the years has led us to offer a few landscape pest control solutions including: the control of snails, gophers, ground squirrels, aphids, and white flies.



Gopher Damage